LOVE - The Divine Fruit Of Our Reborn Spirit

I. Born To Love

A. I John 3:9-14 By Love we know we have passed from death unto life
B. I John 4:7-9 Everyone that loves is born of God
C. II Timothy 1:7 You have the spirit of Love
D. I John 4:16-19 Perfect Love casts out fear

II. Love Is The Fruit Which Pleases The Father

A. I Corinthians 13:1-8,13 Attributes Of Love
B. Galatians 5:22-25 Fruit OF The spirit (your recreated spirit) is Love
C. John 14:15,21-24 If ye love Jesus, Keep His commandments

III. Love Ministers To People

A. I John 3:16-23 We ought to lay down our lives for the brethren
B. I John 4:11-12 We should love one another
C. John 13:34,35 Jesus disciples love one another

Biblical Examples:

Luke 7:36-50
1) Jesus Loves Pharisees, and a woman shows her love to Jesus (v.47) she loved much, 1 Peter 4:8
2) Her right attitude of heart pleased Jesus,
3) Jesus blessed her by forgiving (v.48) Faith saved her; she left in Peace (v.50)
Luke 15:11-32
1) His Father saw him and had compassion (v.20)
2) Meet (fitting, proper, right) to make merry and be glad. (v.32) Joy within Love-I Corinthians 13:6.
3) The father ran, fell on the son’s neck, and kissed him, command a robe of righteeousness (best robe), dressed him, gave him a covenant symbol (a ring), personally served and blessed his son completely.
Matthew 18:23-35
1) (v.23&27) In the kingdom of Heaven the King is compassionate and forgiving, even debt removing.
2) (v.33) We must have compassion on fellow servants
3) (v.27) Love ministered and moved and loosed him and forgave all debt. His family went free. (v.24,25,26,27) Falling down symbolizes humility.
John 8:1-12
1) Jesus taught the people. Woman trapped - Love looks for a way to help someone to escape- v.2,3,4,5.
2) Jesus didn’t condemn showing mercy, Jesus rescues (v.10,11 Refer to James 2:12,13.)
3) Jesus ministered The Word, (v.2,12) Jesus stopped evil leaders plans (v. 7-9) Jesus did not condemn her inwardly (in thought/attitude) or outwardly, admonished her to sin no more (she didn’t even ask for forgiveness and yet the Lord ministered on her behalf.)


Speaking (edifying) the body of Christ in Love. Ephesians 4:11-16
Joy comes from pleasing our Father through Love John 15:8-11
God so Love us that He (gave) ministered to us. John 3:16-17
Love ministers to people Romans 13:7,8
Faith works by Love Galatians 5:6.